Sunday, January 19, 2014

Greetings From Africa

Greetings from Africa!!!!!

Well we have been here just shy of a week now and have already done so much it is crazy!! We got in last Thursday evening about 10 pm Africa time, which is 2 pm your time. Once off the plane we had to go through customs which wasn't bad it just took awhile, you just show them your passport you answer some questions then you pay $30 for a visa. Then we had to go rodeo all 5 of our giant bags off the carousel, that was quite a show;)!

Then we thought we were in the clear but we still had to go out to the Brooms and they had police there asking us if we brought any gifts, I got nervous and lied and said we did not. (Which I later found out was a good thing because they would of taken what we brought for the babies or taxed us on them) So then we stepped through the thresh hold and were officially in Africa!

The Brooms were right outside to meet us! We quickly got all our stuff in the truck and were off!!! It's about 25 minutes to their compound from the airport and it was quite a ride, they drive on the opposite side of the road, they have no street signs, no street lines and after dark obeying street lights are optional (especially in the bad side of town! So our little ride to the compound was quite exciting to say the least;) once we got there it was close to 11:30 and all the kids were up waiting for is to arrive.

Then Friday we didn't wake til 1 in the afternoon! We just relaxed and took it easy because as of Saturday we were being thrown into the mix of things, jet lag and all! So needless to say we couldn't fall asleep at all Friday night and were going to be working all day at the Moses basket Saturday, so I just called upon the lords strength to get me through! We left at 10 am to head to the Moses, I think God and just my excitement to see the babies were keeping me going!

The Moses basket is in a very high density, very poor part of town. Once we got close to where it is the smell of garbage and sewage really permeated the air and just hundreds of people milling about the streets. Unemployment is at 80% here, which explains the masses of people milling around. Once we got to the Moses basket we had to honk and wait for Sam to come open the padlocked gate. Sam and his wife Tomu take care of the babies full time.

While pulling in we notice the concrete fence surrounding Moses basket is completely covered in shards of glass which works as there barb wire to keep looters out. It is quite surreal. Once inside we unpack everything we brought to give to the Moses basket and Tomu is so excited about everything!! Especially the thermometer that takes the temp in the ear or forehead (good call by my mother) We brought about 300 dollars worth of infamil, clothes, toys, and baby necessities. They were really thankful:) Er and I felt kinda like Santa it was awesome!!!

Then the rest of the afternoon we did yard and house work and took care of the babies to give Tomu and Sam a break for a bit:) We just loved so much on all the babies, it was just wonderful!! When we were leaving Sam and Tomu looked so well rested and happy:) It was a very fulfilling day!!!

We got home after that had dinner and I was lights out by 8, I had been up for over 30 hrs straight!! Sunday we got up and went to church and helped with Sunday school. That was a lot of fun! The rest of the day they took it easy knowing Er and I were a bit overwhelmed:)

Then Monday morning we sat down with Adelle (who is pastor Dave's sister and also is who Erinn and I are living with for these two months) and she laid out our next 8 week itinerary for us and let's just say it was overwhelming and totally exciting all at the same time to say the least. Just to give you a taste we will be going to hospitals out in the bush, orphanages that are far away, teaching at schools, evangelizing in the market place, helping at the Moses basket a lot and so much more!!!

So if you were wondering what we were doing here this is just a taste;) We will be out serving the community in one way or another every single day we are here! We are so humbled and awed that God chose Erinn and I for this, we know amazing things are going to happen in our lives here and the people we come in contact with.

Also if anyone is wondering we are definitely taking donations still, even though us helping costs nothing to those people it does cost in fuel to get us places (gas is $7 a gallon here!!!!) and food to feed ourselves and everywhere Erinn and I go we like to in some way or another be it monetary or buy supplies before we go! Thank you in advance for your love and generosity and spiritual support.

We love you very very much!

God Bless

Cori & Erinn

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