Sunday, January 19, 2014

Dear Family and Friends,

Everyone I think hits that point, when you sit back and think what am I doing with my life? Am I doingwhat I love, will I be remembered, will I have made a difference in anyone’s life? More importantly, didI utilize all the gifts God gave me so that I could glorify his kingdom? I had a very dark couple of monthsearlier this year wrestling with these questions. I was so unhappy and bored with my life but too comfortableto shake it up. 

So I got on my knees and sought God and his direction for the next chapter of my life. As Iwas seeking God I caught wind that my very good friends the Brooms who live in Zimbabwe Africa and run Renewal Ministries out there were starting a safe house for abandoned and throw away babies called The Moses basket (which they were inspired to start because of their adopted son Judah). I got in contact with them (which is very hard to do with people in Africa;) They told me all about the abandoned babies and how it is not uncommon to come across them, how most children only get one meal a day, the reason behind thehigh abandon rate of infants, and many other heart wrenching things that go on there. 

After hearing all ofthis I felt the Holy Spirit calling me to Zimbabwe Africa. Not really what I had expected honestly, I thoughtmaybe raise some money for them, or pray, but not me personally to cross the big pond. So, I continued to prayfervently and still I felt the Lord calling me to serve. Therefore I had no choice but to be obedient, since Iwas praying for direction and whining to him how I needed change in my life anyway. Once I finally came topeace with my decision, I come to find out not only did I feel a stirring in my spirit but while talking this overwith my family and praying about it with them, my younger sister Erinn felt called to go as well!! 

So we will begin our journey to Africa in January of next year and will come back sometime in early March.I will be taking a leave of absence from work and Erinn is taking a semester off of college to go and do this.While out there we will be working side by side with the Brooms and other people they have working fortheir ministry to council young mothers, take care of the babies, teach Sunday classes, help with their feedingprograms and just be servants in any way we possibly can.

While we are in Zimbabwe our sister Tiffany will be running a blog and Facebook page titled Sisters SimplyServing, where we will be updating you with pictures and stories of what we are doing and accomplishing outthere.

Lastly, we need sponsors and supporters both financially and spiritually. We need to raise 4000 for our airfare and another 1000 to live on for two months for the both of us. Any extra we raise will go to the MosesBasket to meet their greatest need which is infant formula. Any monetary donation will be completely taxdeductible. (Note that checks MUST be made out to Renewal Ministry and then designated to Cori &Erinn Blake in the Memo) We understand we are asking for a lot but we know god has big plans for us andthe people of Zimbabwe, Africa. Thank you for taking the time to read this and we pray God’s blessings onyou and your Family.

God Bless

Cori & Erinn

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